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Is nonwoven wallpaper really environmentally friendly?
Is nonwoven wallpaper really environmentally friendly?
Nowadays, whether the wallpaper is concerned about environmental protection is exactly whether it contains formaldehyde or formaldehyde. However, even if the solvent is used in the wallpaper, do not be afraid. If it evaporated, it will no longer hurt the human body. Especially the PVC material, volatilization is fast. There may be strong irritating smell at once, but it's easy to get through a few days.
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Nowadays, whether the wallpaper is concerned about environmental protection is exactly whether it contains formaldehyde or formaldehyde. However, even if the solvent is used in the wallpaper, do not be afraid. If it evaporated, it will no longer hurt the human body. Especially the PVC material, volatilization is fast. There may be strong irritating smell at once, but it's easy to get through a few days.
The four big secrets you might not know about a wet towel
The four big secrets you might not know about a wet towel
Spring has come, everything is reviving, the earth is returning to temperature, so that all the living spirits are radiant, but at the same time we feel the beauty, the bacteria have begun to grow quietly. The Escherichia coli hidden on the table, the ubiquitous Staphylococcus aureus, and the Candida albicans active in public places, where and where the visions often inadvertently infringe on our health, so it is especially important to keep personal hygiene at any time and anywhere and carry a few packets of convenience. The cleaning of towels has become a habit of more and more people. But when you face the wet wipes shelves, do you really know how to distinguish them? How do you choose the right wipes? Let's share the four secrets of wet wipes.
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Spring has come, everything is reviving, the earth is returning to temperature, so that all the living spirits are radiant, but at the same time we feel the beauty, the bacteria have begun to grow quietly. The Escherichia coli hidden on the table, the ubiquitous Staphylococcus aureus, and the Candida albicans active in public places, where and where the visions often inadvertently infringe on our health, so it is especially important to keep personal hygiene at any time and anywhere and carry a few packets of convenience. The cleaning of towels has become a habit of more and more people. But when you face the wet wipes shelves, do you really know how to distinguish them? How do you choose the right wipes? Let's share the four secrets of wet wipes.

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